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Let Kafuter take care of your work.

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Let Kafuter take care of your work.

With many products from Cafuter that cover all usage groups, whether


Work group #industry

It is a ready-to-use confined type of glue. Used for all types of #threaded or #screw fitting applications. The adhesive will help fill the gaps in the #thread to prevent leakage and loosening from vibration.

Products related to the use such as

K-0242 , K-0545 , K-PTFE


Workgroup #Electronics


Has the ability to protect, coat the workpiece or fixing the workpiece To reduce damage that may be caused by #humidity, #heat, #insects or vibrations that may damage the workpiece.

Products related to the use such as

K-5705 , K-201G , K-5915W , K-9741


Work group #automotive


Adhesive for sealing instead of gaskets can be used with

#Automobile #machinery In the part of #valve chamber and #valve cover Can withstand high temperature, high clamping force, does not shrink.

Products related to the use such as



Workgroup #General


General purpose acrylic adhesive for bonding. #Glass to metal #Aluminium #Steel, etc. The adhesive uses ultraviolet (UV) light to help in the reaction to harden the glue. Suitable for workpieces where UV light can penetrate.


Examples of adhesives related to applications such as

K-302 , K-303

and epoxy glue Suitable for use with #plastic #ceramic #jewelry #metal #rubber #glass #auto parts


An example of an application-related glue is K-3Ton.


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Let Kafuter take care of your work.

With many products from Cafuter that cover all usage groups, whether

Work group #industry

It is a ready-to-use confined type of glue. Used for all types of #threaded or #screw fitting applications. The adhesive will help fill the gaps in the #thread to prevent leakage and loosening from vibration.
Products related to the use such as
K-0242 , K-0545 , K-PTFE

Workgroup #Electronics

Has the ability to protect, coat the workpiece or fixing the workpiece To reduce damage that may be caused by #humidity, #heat, #insects or vibrations that may damage the workpiece.
Products related to the use such as
K-5705 , K-201G , K-5915W , K-9741

Work group #automotive

Adhesive for sealing instead of gaskets can be used with
#Automobile #machinery In the part of #valve chamber and #valve cover Can withstand high temperature, high clamping force, does not shrink.
Products related to the use such as

Workgroup #General

General purpose acrylic adhesive for bonding. #Glass to metal #Aluminium #Steel, etc. The adhesive uses ultraviolet (UV) light to help in the reaction to harden the glue. Suitable for workpieces where UV light can penetrate.
Examples of adhesives related to applications such as
K-302 , K-303
and epoxy glue Suitable for use with #plastic #ceramic #jewelry #metal #rubber #glass #auto parts
An example of an application-related glue is K-3Ton.


Customers can ask for more information via
Line Official Add and talk to us.
or order through


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