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K-704N is used to attach equipment. electronics

K-704N กาวซิลิโคน

K-704N is used to attach equipment. electronics

✅ No worries about humidity 

✅ Keep your device always available too!!

K-704N Moisture-proof Silicone Sealant for Electronics

It is a ready-to-use silicone sealant. insulating glue does not conduct heat

Used to attach electronic devices or cover motor work. electrical equipment and others Can prevent moisture from water droplets in the air, not corrosive, no pollution to use.


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#glue #silicone glue #silicone #waterproof #dustproof #PCB #KAFUTER #diy #glue
K-704N is used to attach equipment. electronics
No worries about humidity
✅ Keep your device always available too!!
K-704N Moisture-proof Silicone Sealant for Electronics
It is a ready-to-use silicone sealant. insulating glue does not conduct heat
Used to attach electronic devices or cover motor work. electrical equipment and others Can prevent moisture from water droplets in the air, not corrosive, no pollution to use.
Customers can ask for more information via
Line Official Add and talk to us.
or order through
#glue #silicone glue #silicone #waterproof #dustproof #PCB #KAFUTER #diy #glue
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